The VA just awarded you 100% disability – Can you stop working and reduce your support obligations? The short answer is it “depends.” However, you should know how your VA disability compensation may affect your child support and alimony.Read more
The VA just awarded you 100% disability – Can you stop working and reduce your support obligations? The short answer is it “depends.” However, you should know how your VA disability compensation may affect your child support and alimony.Read more
When we think of bad words we usually think of words that begin with F or S, we do not think of a word that begins with D – Divorce. But, Divorce is a word that is more shocking to hear for many people than one of those other words.Read more
If you have ever seen “Better Off Dead” then you have seen the epic scene where John Cusack is chased down the street by the newspaper delivery boy on his bike demanding his two dollars. For two dollars in a cheesy ‘80s movie, it’s funny. When it is hundreds or thousands of dollars in reimbursableRead more
It’s always hard to boil essential advice on such an important topic down to a few, short sentences, but here are some of what I have learned from 25 years of practice to be the most important lessons for those contemplating a divorce. A full consultation with an experienced attorney is the best money youRead more
Let’s face it, come holiday times some of the gift requests made by kids are pretty extravagant and can be EXPENSIVE! An iPhone X is costing $1,000 this holiday season! It can be tough enough to fulfill your child’s wish list even under the best of circumstances but it can be that much worse ifRead more
One of the most difficult yet important questions we are asked by our client’s is “When should I file for a Domestic Violence Restraining order?Read more
Why mediate your divorce or custody issues? Early use of mediation in a family law dispute can quickly allow parties to get back to the business of living their lives, reduce the significant financial and emotional burden of fighting, minimize the risk of loss, and increase the odds of a more favorable or mutually beneficialRead more
Not exactly, but that is how a lot of people feel when it comes to property distribution (equitable distribution) in divorces. We often hear “But that’s MY pension, I earned it! Why do I have to share it with my spouse?” Fill in any word after “my” and you get the idea (house, car, bankRead more
The Holiday Season is full of friends, family and fun. But for families where parents are separated or divorced, the holidays can be difficult and can add to tensions for parents that do not get along or are struggling to co-parent. How can parents avoid such issues in the first place? When open communication betweenRead more
“Civil Restraints” are a way to resolve pending domestic violence cases without a trial or the entry of a formal restraining order. After an initial Temporary Restraining Order (T.R.O.) is granted, a case is scheduled for a trial to determine whether or not that temporary order is to be made “final”. A Final Restraining OrderRead more
Located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, Adinolfi, Roberto, Burick & Molotsky, P.A. is one of the largest family law firms focused on Divorce and Separation • Military Divorce • Same-Sex Marriage and Domestic Partnerships • Domestic Violence & Restraining Orders • Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) • Palimony• Prenuptial Agreements • Matrimonial Appeals • Wills, Estates & Trusts
Adinolfi, Roberto, Burick & Molotsky, P.A. is responsible for the content of this website. The information presented on this site is for general information only and should not be construed as formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. No aspect of this website has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.