As the COVID-19 public health emergency continues to unfold, the safety, health and well-being of clients and staff remain our top priority. The spread of the COVID-19 virus creates very real challenges for all families already stressed by the process of divorce or other family law matters. First and foremost, we want all our clients to know – we are here. If you are experiencing issues or have any questions or concerns, you can reach us by phone or email. We will remain open for business and will continue attending to your sensitive family law issues. That said, we will be operating in keeping with the social distancing guidelines recommended by the CDC. We are postponing in-person meetings and conferences at our office until we are cleared to resume business as normal by state officials. Notwithstanding, we will conduct meetings and conferences via telephone (with multiple parties if necessary) and engage in video conferencing where appropriate. We have a well-developed plan in place to ensure continue operations.

The New Jersey court system is moving to a video conferencing platform for all court matters. If you have an upcoming court appearance, your attorney will be reaching out to you to explain how changes at the Courthouse may impact you.
We value our relationship and the trust you have in us. We understand you are already facing difficult times navigating the legal system and we will continue to advocate for your best interests.
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